Posted by : Unknown
Monday, 9 December 2013
Im sure not alot of you heard of this game before. Its a rythm/beat game, where you start hitting notes that corresponds with any music you play with. Thing about this game is that its not VERY well known in Singapore cuz probably only Otakus have heard/played this game before. (This game is more towards Jpop/Jrock/Anime OST, thats why). But any music is available,just that japanese music comes out never ending in the search box. Without further ado, lets get to the game !!!
So no I will just present to you my top 5 favourite songs from Osu, and show you how the playlist looks like on the inside.
No.5 - Infinite of Nuclear Fusion by Touhou
This map is great simply because its only music. No singing. Adding the little beat sound you make when you hit the notes. It's just that beautiful of a song!
No.4 - Hatsune Miku no Gekishou by VOCALOID (Hatsune Miku)
This is awesome. Like, it has everything an otaku wants. Vocaloid, great beat sound,everything. Right now im still trying to do the insane difficulty map (Difficulty:prayed). Its alot harder than it seems as there are streams everywhere. (One whole chain of circles for you to hit). Will try my best !
No.3 - Remote Control by Saiya
I've personally been thru alot of plays on this map, as you can tell from my normals. I've been thru no fail mods , autopilot , and trained until i can do score multiplier mods like Hard Rock, Double Time, and Hidden at the same time. Sugoiiiii! (still working hard on Hard LOL)
No.2 - Kakuzetsu Thanatos by Rohi
I've trained EVEN LONGER on this song. Its awesome when you put this song on the double time mod as it makes it sound even better than the default speed. I really enjoyed this map alot ,and until now im still enjoying!
No.1-No Thank you by Ho kago Tea Time (HTT)
This one is my favourite. It may not be my best , you can see i got B on both normal and hard difficulty. Though it may not be my best I really really LOVE it alot as it is from my favourite anime , K-ON.
I dont play this song on double time cuz the original sounds good enough. If you're an otaku you will probably know i love K-ON's Mio alot, cuz her picture is my blog header. (dead giveaway).
So anyhow,i hope you enjoyed my game review of Osu! Will be around for more other reviews or random stuff happening. Oh yes, the reason why i didnt show you the Osu gameplay is because i want it to be a little suprise for you,hoping you can download Osu and try it firsthand on your own!
Here's the download link for Osu! :
Andddd feel free to add me on Osu if you wanna play and improve together: cforcaramel
Alright ; i'll see ya guys next time! ^^